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The Role of Automation in Customer Experience

As a business owner, you want to be sure that the customer experience you offer is as excellent and complex as possible. And to achieve this, automation can be a great help. This article explains how automation can help with customer service and why it has become such an important part of the industry.

Why automating customer service processes is so important?

The role of customer service continues to grow as more companies use it not only to solve problems and provide help but also to attract and retain customers.
What are the benefits of automation for companies?

# 1 Better performance
Automation allows you to provide the best customer support without having to hire a large team of customer service employees. Fewer employees mean lower costs and a bigger profit. Thanks to automation, your company will be able to focus on strategic goals instead of spending all day manually solving problems. This results in increased productivity, which directly affects profit margins as more customers can be served simultaneously.

# 2 Cost reduction
It is estimated that thanks to the automation of customer service processes the companies can significantly reduce their costs (even up to 30% savings).
Fewer employees mean lower costs for companies – you can spend your time and money on other areas of your business rather than building large teams of people for chat support or email response. This all can be automated!

Automated systems free employees’ time so that they can focus on what is most important – building relationships. When customers have problems with products or services they have purchased from your business, it’s important not only to address those issues but also to communicate responsively and timely manner. This will ensure your customers that they are well cared off served properly, so they want to come back in the future.

# 3 Improved customer service and satisfaction
When companies automate their processes, they provide a better overall experience as inquiries are processed faster and customers receive answers in less time. If you serve your customers with an excellent experience with fast and precise service across multiple channels, they can repay you with loyalty and recommendations. For many businesses, there is no better currency!

The customer experience (and reviews) that can either improve or spoil your sales is critical to your company’s success in today’s online marketplace. Customers’ expectations constantly grow, especially as far as timing and good communication are concerned. To keep your client satisfied and willing to stay with your business, you have to be available at all times to answer questions about the company’s products and services.

Customer service automation. Ways of automating customer service

Customer service automation has grown over the past few years due to its ability to simplify interactions between consumers and brands. Over 90% of companies agree that automation is an effective way to increase sales without the additional work of their teams!

It is good to get familiar with the most popular methods of automating tasks and processes in customer service teams, so you won’t miss any important opportunity to improve your business!

# 1 Chatbot
A chatbot is a virtual assistant that responds quickly, accurately, and with enough information for users to make informed decisions or take action when needed. By tracking what customers say you can also better prepare your consultants, that’s why some companies use this type of technology to improve their employee training.

# 2 Live chat
Live chat is a great way to automate customer service processes on your website because it can be easily set up at a low cost to maintain and it’s simple and intuitive to use for your customers and employees.

The key thing about live chat services is the ability to scale at no extra cost: when suddenly more users start engaging through this channel, companies are able to manage more chats simultaneously without hiring new employees or even modernizing existing technology.

# 3 Knowledge bases
A customer knowledge base is another great way to automate customers support. It allows your customers to search for answers about your products and services on your website. This saves time as they don’t have to call or send e-mails to retrieve information that is already readily available to them.

By using machine learning technology, knowledge bases can be made even more effective. Instead of one static content, they automatically adjust as new questions arise, ensuring customers always get the right results.

# 4 Intelligent call center software
Intelligent call center tools provide real-time responses and deliver solutions when customers have questions about products and services. Thanks to this tool, interlocutors are easily transferred between agents when needed, so companies no longer need so many people working in contact centers.

# 5 customer response templates (canned responses)
Customer response templates are the easiest way to automate your customer service processes. They allow quick and easy responses that can be used across multiple channels so that employees don’t have to spend time on tasks they’ve already done in the past.

Response templates can save companies up to 50% of contact center costs! This is a lot if we consider how much money is usually spent on hiring employees or outsourcing such tasks.

# 6 Customer service on social media
Customer service on social media should be seen as an extension to your physical contact center and is a great way to engage customers who are already familiar with your brand and already on social media waiting to interact. It will help your company save time and money when interacting with your customers by providing 24/365 customer support.

By answering your users’ questions and problems on social media and automating the most frequently repeated issues, you will improve not only response time, but also the satisfaction of your customers who will be enchanted by your service on social media.

There are many additional benefits that make it worthwhile to use technology in customer service. With automation, you can grow your business while improving customer service – and who wouldn’t? The future of a positive customer experience is bright thanks to the use of automated solutions.


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